Tiny Tornados

posted by Sara 3:40 PM

Yesterday I had my carpets cleaned. When the carpet man finished, he reported on the results. The poop in the middle of the room came right out (Grace changing her own diaper). I couldn't get the bleach spots out, of course (zit cream that Grace got into), but the blue stuff (play-dooh) came all the way out and the red stuff lightened up a bit (nail polish). Oh, and the toothpaste on the stairs came out also. (Grace or Micah, I would put my money on Grace.)

Timo has started calling Grace a tornado. You can predict that it is coming, you know that it is going to do a lot of damage, but you're not really sure where it is going to touch down and what is going to be destroyed.

I decided to post pictures of some of the things my monsters have done.

Some things that I don't have pictures of: Grace putting self tanner all over her body. Grace's poop art creations(that's poop on Grace's face in the bathtub). Micah's drawing with pen all over Timo's week old $700 flat screen computer monitor. Micah, who took off his own poopy diaper and slid down every step into the basement. That was right after they got into the butter and made a mess under the kitchen sink which was right after they opened orange jello and made a mess in the pantry. Grace's weekly stripping down for all the neighbors. The chandelier hanging by the wire because Grace climbed the only chair I left down and climbed onto the chairs I had sitting on table and pulled it down. Micah and Zach opening food storage containers of Comet and shaking them over everything in our basement. Micah in the buff waving his underwear at my neighbor's grandparents while yelling: "Bye, see ya later, Happy Birthday!" We have gone a day without the air conditioner because the two demons turned off the switch and a day without water because they flipped up a the switch. Grace brought in a bucket of sand from the sandbox and dumped it on my rug. Yesterday Grace got out the bag of frozen blueberries and dumped it on the same rug. The list goes on and on. Everyday there is an adventure. It is impossible to keep them out of trouble. With Savannah and Matt I never had to use childproof locks, but with Grace and Micah I have put locks on the doors, fridge, and blocked off most the basement with plywood and they still manage to get through to reap havoc.


Blogger The Burke Family said...

WOW Sara I thought my double duo was bad but I think they have out did my twins BARELY I'm sorry If we lived closer I would take them for you if you would trade off with me HAHAHA wouldn't that be fun to have the four of them together to give each other ideas!

Blogger Brendalyn said...

I can't even imagine how busy you are. I am going crazy with my two. You are amazing! They are very creative, that is too much fun!

Blogger Jenn and The B Boys said...

Sara you poor mom. I'm not sure my children would be alive if they had done any one of those things. The poop mess is the worst. I just have to laugh because they are so darn cute.

Blogger Hacking it up said...

OH!!! They are so naughty!!! Good thing they are so cute!! :)


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