Binki Burgler

posted by Sara 8:15 PM

Matt has issues with Binkis. Grace has issues with binkis. Lydia, well she just needs a binki. I have been battling Grace for at least a year now about not stealing Lydia's binkis. I have relented to letting Grace have one if she takes a nap. Yes I know that no self-respecting mom would under any circumstances allow it but I need the break. Matt however has big issues with this and decided to solve the problem himself. The other day I was cleaning out Matt's closet and what do I find hidden in his baseball mitt? 15 Binkis. I went ballistic. You would think that I just discovered my 10 year old's stash of drugs. For all you Binki moms out there you can relate to the frantic searches through the house looking for that binki so you can get your screaming baby to sleep. For months I have searched under couches, in diaper bags, in the car for a binki that I had just hours before. I felt like I was loosing my mind only to find out that 10 year old was sneaking them away so I would just give up and be done with binkis. I am considering returning his Christmas presents, canceling his birthday, and making him babysit Lydia late at night without a small plastic magical device that puts her to sleep.


Blogger Hacking Highlights said...

That is hilarious!! I know exactly how you feel! Those dang binki's!! You love them, but you hate them! Caleb won't give his up, but do we really want him to? Matt will get his pay back when he's a dad and has to search for hours, high and low, here and there, for the dang binki!!

Blogger Brendalyn said...

That is too funny that Matt would just take matters into his own hands. Maybe you can leave the discipline issues of the younger kids up to him too as he gets older. Addy just had thrush, so we had to throw out all the binkis we had and buy new ones. I'm just glad that my kids have both taken a binki, because what do you do if they won't?

Blogger Hacking it up said...

Oh NO He DiN'T!!!!


I. LOVE. Binkis.
Matt. Big. Trouble.


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